To the excitement of children and children at heart
everywhere, Halloween is finally upon us! You have your costume all ready and
together for the big day, and you are ready to traverse through your
neighborhood for some Trick-or-Treat goodies!
Before you get ready to step out the door, though, you might
want to inform yourself which treats you should and should not consume,
especially if you are currently receiving orthodontic treatment! Check out
Mastroianni Orthodontics’ Official No-Eat List below!
*bubble gum
*Bubble Yum
*sugarless gum
*Laffy Taffy
*JuJu Bees
*Gummy Bears
*Now & Laters
*jelly beans
*Gummy Savers
*caramel apples
*Tootsie Rolls
*Sugar Daddies
*Marathon Bars
*Milk Duds
Hard things:
*ice cubes
*pens and pencils
*whole apples
*whole carrots
*celery stalks
*popcorn seeds
*hard pretzels
*hard taco shells
*hard corn chips
*nuts of any kind
*hard bagels
In addition to all of the above is the infamous group called
SWEETS. Sweets can be eaten
but it is very important that you brush or rinse your mouth immediately after
eating them! The sweets will not cause damage to your braces but they will
cause damage to your teeth. This is how you get those white spots on your teeth
while wearing braces.
What is the absolute worst offender of all the sweets? Why,
soft drinks, of course! It does not matter if the soft drink is a diet soda or
not - it will have the same effect on your teeth! We ask that you please try to
stay away from soda during your treatment.
Let’s say you are enjoying some Halloween treats and one of
your braces becomes loose. What should you do? Well, should one of your braces
come loose before an appointment, please call the same day that you find out
that it is broken. We are not going to be upset with you but we do want to make
sure that we have enough time to fix it during your regular scheduled appointment.
Some broken brackets can wait to be fixed while others need to be repaired as
soon as possible.
The last thing that we would like you to know is that if one
of your braces comes loose you run the risk of making your treatment take
longer because that tooth is no longer moving in the right direction and may in
fact be moving back toward its original position. If you cheat and eat
everything you are currently eating, you will only be cheating yourself in the
end. Just remember these things from the start and your treatment will run more
We all want this to be a positive experience for you and we
want to get the job done as quickly as we possibly can. This will only happen
with your cooperation. Let’s work together to give you the best possible smile
in the shortest period of time. Call us at (618) 288-0600 in Glen Carbon or
(618) 622-3377 in Swansea if you have any questions or are interested in
receiving orthodontic treatment from us. You can also check us out online at! Have a safe and
fun Halloween for both you and your teeth!
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