Friday, December 7, 2012

3 Reasons To Get Braces in 2013

With a new year upon us, everyone is going to be caught up in making New Year’s Resolutions, and while resolutions are good, people quite often lose sight of their good intentions and have left their resolutions in the dust come April.

With that in mind, I want to give you 3 reasons why you should seriously consider looking into getting orthodontic treatment for the upcoming year.

Braces help correct an underbite or an overbite - One of the main reasons people get braces is to help correct underbite or overbite. An underbite is a situation in which the lower jaw juts out a bit too far causing the bottom teeth to extend out past the upper teeth. Conversely, overbite occurs when the upper jaw pushes the upper teeth too far forward. These two conditions can cause undue stress on the jaw and the teeth, and lead to permanent damage. Braces can help correct both of these situations and potentially save you lots of grief in the future.

Prevent tooth decay - This one might not be very obvious at first glance. Having crooked teeth can make brushing and flossing rather complicated. Plaque builds up in the spaces between teeth, and if the teeth are too close together, or resting at awkward angles with one another, that buildup can easily grow and get out of hand, causing cavities, tooth decay, and many other oral health problems. With straight teeth, flossing is much easier and much more effective at removing plaque.

Better Self-Esteem - Having a nice straight smile will definitely lend itself toward giving you higher self-esteem. No more worrying about awkward half-smiles in pictures! Plus, you will not feel the need to hide your teeth in photos!

So there you have it. If you have been considering getting braces or Invisalign for your teeth or your children’s teeth, call us at (618) 288-0600 in Glen Carbon or at (618) 622-3377 and set up an appointment. You will be glad you did!

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